Darwin Festival diary day 3 – Tim Freedman, Perry Keyes and the “polished turd”

It’s a helluva long way from the grimy streets of Sydney’s Newtown to a balmy evening beneath the stars in Darwin’s Civic Park, a transition I made more than twenty years ago. Stories about heroin and amphetamines and train stations and rugby league are rarely part of the discourse in this part of the world.

By |2010-08-16T12:54:59+09:30August 16th, 2010|Art, Music, Photography, The Arts|2 Comments

Darwin Festival diary – day minus one

In the Territory the stories are all too common...backpackers in vans swerving to avoid a wallaby of a basking lizard or a stubborn eagle feasting on roadkill, losing control in the dirt, over-correcting, rolling over and over 'til they come to permanent rest in the the scrub...

Blues, Booze and BBQs – new photos of life in the Delta by Michael Loyd Young

Michael Loyd Young, documents the 150 miles of Highway 61, the famed blacktop road snaking from Memphis, TN down to Greenville, MS. At the halfway point, in the heart of the Mississippi Delta, sits Clarksdale, MS, the city considered the birthplace of the blues and the location of Robert Johnson’s famed “Cross Road Blues” intersection of Highway 61 and 49. The Delta has been home to blues legends such as Charley Patton, John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf, Ike Turner, Cadillac John Nolden, B.B. King, T-Model Ford, Mississippi Slim, Big Jack Johnson, and Willie King, among countless others whose music has become the glue that holds these communities together as they struggle to survive.

Po’ Monkey’s Lounge – Merigold, Mississippi

$5 entry, $3 beer - no fire or liquor licenses or other permits or authorities - and Po' Monkey vigorously enforces his own strict set of rules - no baseball caps, no guns, no baggy-ass pants - this effectively excludes young teenage gangsters from the lounge - no fighting, no beer bought in and no dope smoking.

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