“A species of contempt heretofore unknown to the law”: Registrar of the Supreme Court (NT) v Nationwide News and Craig Dunlop

The lessons for Court  administrators? If you are going to bring contempt charges against a journalist and their publisher then you must conduct a proper investigation of the circumstances of publication, in particular who published what, when and on whose authority. While it is unstated in Chief Justice Grant's reasons for judgment—for fairly obvious reasons—the real problems in this case lie with the conduct of the Registrar's case and the apparent lack of any investigation sufficiently thorough enough to gather evidence to meet the standard of proof required by the Court.

Book-burnings of our times. Clinton Walker’s Deadly Woman Blues gets pulped …

There are no winners in any of this—a group of women are (rightfully it seems) aggrieved by Walker's (admitted) failures in research and diligence, a respected author has suffered a terrible fall from grace and none of us (well, most of us) will get to read what is/was without doubt a valuable contribution to our shared musical history.

10 more years of “beads and mirrors” – Yuendumu’s 2008 ‘Statement from the Heart’

Yapa-patu nganimpa, Yurnturnu wardingki karndu nyarra wangkami ny arnpu statemcnt purdanyajaku manu yungurnkurlu pina kanyi Federal manu N.T. Government kirra ... Nyurru ngurla juku!

The ABC, the Country Liberal Party, the Kenbi land claim and a southern journalist.

The Kenbi land claim survived. But it would face more challenges from CLP governments until a newly-elected Labor government decided in 2001 to call a halt to legal shenanigans and accept the December 2000 recommendations of Aboriginal Land Commissioner Peter Gray.

Bird of the week: The Killer Owls of Durham County – revisited

Barred Owl Strix varia I’ve long had a fascination with bird-human interactions, particularly the cultural and ecological knowledge of, and relationships that humans have with birds. Ethnoornithology involves the scientific study of the dynamic relationships between people and birds. Usually its a pretty dry academic pursuit so I was interested to find a fascinating example [...]

Yuendumu: the pool, the press, protocols and permits…and the Code of Conduct for Ministerial Staff

As Crikey and The Northern Myth have reported and discussed on Tuesday and Wednesday this week there are real concerns at Yuendumu and across central Australia about the way that some journalists went about their business reporting on what should have been, and largely was, a good news story. The opening this past Monday of [...]

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