Bird of the week – Peregrine Falcon

A female Peregrine Falcon - powerful legs, cere and eye-ring all a bright yellow, the back a dark and shining slate grey in the bright sun and the black executioner's hood that encases the head from which black eyes gleam. Below, the chest a glowing bleached white, the belly barred brown over cream.

By |2019-07-30T16:12:56+09:30March 10th, 2009|Animals, Birds|5 Comments

Bird of the week – Luurnpa – Red Backed Kingfisher

The Luurn (Red-backed Kingfisher) Tjukurrpa is of prime importance to the groups of the western deserts region, since it represents one expression of a major initiation cycle, Tingarri, a Law bequeathed to them by Luurn and other ancestral beings.

“Ju-Ju” markets and birds in African magico-medicinal use

These market stalls contain "an assembly of skulls and skins arranged in a powerful, if often rather disturbing, display that can include horse and hyena heads, crocodiles, dried snakes and monkey skulls. The presence of so much decomposing flesh, crudely preserved with only ash or salt, makes for a very unhealthy background odour and a super-abundance of flies.

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