Further to the previous post by John Birmingham published at his Alien Side Boob website, this just popped into my inbox from Chips Mackinolty. It is a poster—among many—that he knocked up while at the Earthworks Poster Collective in Sydney around this time. Chips also sent through the following short note … see, even New South Wales cops couldn’t abide their northern brethren.

We were out pasting it up one evening, around Cleveland Street, Sydney. In a ute with the posters laid flat, face down, glue at the ready.

Stopped by a police car, with three cops: two young ones and an older bloke.

The first young cop asked us if we had a permit. I explained there was no such thing as a permit to paste up posters.

The second reached out for a poster, pre-glued, and complained about it being “gooey”, but turned it over.

Second young cop: “It’s against police.”

Older cop, after some thought: “Yeah but it’s Queensland police”.

They drove off without further questioning, let alone intervention.
