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This is the (slightly) edited text of a media release issued by the NT Country Liberal party announcing the candidates for the 2016 NT general election to be held in August 2016.

The big news is that current Treasurer, Member for Fong Lim David Tollner, was unsuccessful in his nomination for the seat of Spillett. As he did not nominate for any other seat it appears that his current political career will end at the general election.

More analysis to come.

The Country Liberals Central Council today confirmed the pre-selection of twenty candidates who will stand for the party at the 2016 general election.

Country Liberals Party President Tory Mencshelyi said a diverse array of candidates, including high profile Darwin businesswomen, had put their hand up to be part of the team that would keep the Territory moving ahead.

“The Country Liberals have been working hard to grow the economy, lower the cost of living and improve our unique way of life here in the Territory,” she said. “The team we have selected today come from a range of backgrounds including a local art consultant, an award winning businesswoman, a policeman and small business owner in Palmerston, and a former Indigenous primary school teacher.

“While there is more to be done, the Country Liberals’ plan is getting results and we cannot afford to risk Labor.

Mrs Mencshelyi said the Country Liberals team pre-selected today would work hard to deliver for Territorians and keep the Territory on track for a prosperous and secure future.

In addition to the candidates confirmed today, former NT Thunder identity Jared Ilett has previously been pre-selected to run for the seat of Karama.

Long serving current Country Liberals Member for Fong Lim David Tollner was unsuccessful in his nomination for the seat of Spillett. Mr Tollner will remain the Member for Fong Lim until the next general election.

Preselection for the seats of Wanguri, Barkly, Nhulunbuy and Nelson remain to be completed.

Country Liberals candidates confirmed today are: (incumbents are marked with an *)

Adam Giles (Braitling) *

Willem Westra van Holthe (Katherine) *

Gary Higgins (Daly) *

Bess Price (Stuart) *

Peter Chandler (Brennan) *

Peter Styles (Sanderson) *

Francis Xavier Kurrupuwu (Arafura) *

Nathan Barrett (Blain) *

Lia Finocchiaro (Spillett) (* currently Member for Drysdale)

Steven Klose (Johnston)

Ben Hosking (Drysdale)

Stephen Brown (Araluen)

Heidi Williams (Namatjira)

Karen Brown (Fannie Bay)

Tim Dixon (Fong Lim)

Ted Dunstan (Nightcliff)

Giovanna Webb (Casuarina)

Rohan Kelly (Port Darwin)

Ian Gumbula (Arnhem)

Carolyn Reynolds (Goyder)

Watch this space …